VIE Speaks – Think Out Loud: Artist Shantell Martin Takes the Stage June 4
On the heels of our first VIE Speaks – Think Out Loud event which featured artist Justin Gaffrey and poet and philosopher François-Marie Bénard, we are excited to announce that the next VIE Speaks event will take place on Wednesday, June 4, 2014, at the REP Theatre in Seaside, Florida.
The evening will begin with a cocktail hour at 6:00 p.m. and will be followed by our featured speaker, renowned British visual artist Shantell Martin, whose work has been seen locally at Digital Graffiti at Alys Beach and the30A Songwriters Festival, and has also been featured in numerous art galleries, shows, and publications across the globe. Shantell has also recently been featured on TED Talks as part of their TED@NYC special. Shantell’s “stream of conciousness” style of line drawing and digital projection projects are fascinating as she takes the world inside her head and lays them out for her audience.
Seating at the VIE Speaks event is limited, but if you would like to be part of the audience, please contact us at 850-231-3087 or email jordan@viezine.com. Thank you!
Shantell Martin “Continuous Line” from FlaureTV on Vimeo.
We look forward to hearing more about life and art at this exclusive VIE Speaks – Think Out Loud event, and will be sharing the evening with you all here on VIEtv and in the pages of VIE magazine, so stay tuned!
Learn more about Shantell and view her inspiring work at ShantellMartin.com.
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