The Benefits of Permanent Makeup
A taste of Hollywood recently arrived in the community of South Walton, Florida. Welcome BELLE PERMANENT COSMETICS, South Walton’s first and only permanent makeup salon.
Owner and licensed artist Elizabeth Engstrom says, “With permanent makeup from Belle, you can now wake up made up every day.”
Permanent makeup is ideal for the coastal style of living where weather and waves can cause a makeup wipeout faster than you can fall off a paddleboard. It’s waterproof, sweat proof, even pillow proof. No longer do you have to spend scrubbing time before bed to remove makeup that you have to put right back on the next morning.
But there’s more to it than the ease of waking up ready to go. When asked about all the benefits of permanent makeup, Liz says, “The time saving is obvious and important, but there’s also the money-saving aspect. If the makeup is permanent you’ll spend less to maintain a pretty face.” There’s a more serious side to permanent makeup, as well. Liz recalls her grandmother, who didn’t see so well in her later years. As her eyesight went and her hands were no longer so steady, her face wasn’t always . . . well let’s just say it wasn’t always on straight. “Whether you’re forty-five or eighty-five, permanent makeup can help you look years younger,” says Liz. “It’s not just the young and active who can benefit from it. For some it can even be a life changer.” Those with allergies can finally wear makeup without the allergic reaction they might get from over-the-counter products.
“It’s not just the young and active who can benefit from it. For some it can even be a life changer.”
“Natural beauty only lasts so long,” Liz says. “At some point we can all use a little help.” Those who suffer from alopecia (hair loss) are also prime candidates for a life-changing application of permanent eyebrows—men included. And, for breast cancer survivors, permanent makeup can be the final touch to a reconstructed you.
To find out if permanent makeup is right for you, a consultation at Belle Permanent Cosmetics is free. Visit BellePermanentCosmetics.com or call (850) 714-2394 to learn more.
And visit the Belle Permanent cosmetics pop-up shop at SOUTH WALTON FASHION WEEK october 8–10 for tips, products, and more!
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