
  • Healing Hoof Steps Brings Equine Therapy to Northwest Florida
    July 14, 20215.6 min

    Healing Hoof Steps in Crestview, Florida, is a local nonprofit offering this type of service that focuses on building mental and emotional health through spending time around horses. Its founder, Narissa Jenkins, and her incredible healing journey through the help of these majestic animals is awe-inspiring. After experiencing the profound effects of horse therapy for herself, she felt called to share this with others. VIE caught up with Jenkins to hear about what's happened in the past few years and how Healing Hoof Steps is continuing to change lives daily. 


  • The Zoo Gallery Auctions Roxie Wilson Original to Support Australian Wildlife
    March 4, 20202.4 min

    Hundreds of raging fires have been burning for months in various regions of Australia. Over 18.6 million hectares nationally—20 percent of Australian woodlands—have been lost. It is impossible to know exactly how many innocent animals have perished.


  • Alaqua Animal Refuge’s #EveryoneNeedsABuddy Campaign
    March 3, 20162.2 min

    If you never fail to tear up during a Sarah McLachlan animal rights commercial, then this campaign is for you. (If you don’t, then you may need to check your pulse!) Join Alaqua Animal Refuge of Northwest Florida on its expedition to bring awareness to the mission of their amazing refuge and to encourage monetary donations, all while having fun! Alaqua just launched the #EveryoneNeedsABuddy campaign, allowing participants to highlight their pets while promoting a worthy cause!


  • Alberta’s Wolfdog Sanctuary
    September 15, 20154.3 min

    Their penetrating eyes studied us nervously as we approached the wolfdogs’ enclosure.
