Episode 61: “A Daily Practice in Living Well”
A Conversation with John Wellborn
This week on VIE Speaks: Conversations with Heart and Soul, John Wellborn, the founder of Live Well 30A, shares his life story about risk-taking in pursuit of purpose. An entrepreneur and visionary at heart, Wellborn had an epiphany on his twenty-eighth birthday while working at a corporate job in Atlanta; on the surface, he had everything, but his intuition told him to choose a different path—one he truly loved. He banked everything on a “one-year experiment,” selling his home and insurance agency, and moved to the affluent beach communities along Florida’s Scenic Highway 30A. Spending a year putting himself first inspired him to pursue building a legacy of a well-lived life. The manifestation led him to create Live Well 30A, High Tide, and Coast/Coast Kids, merchandise brands that inspire people to choose a life they love. Please tune in for an inspiring conversation on discovering what it looks like to live as an individualist and how embracing this mindset often leads to unprecedented, miraculous rewards.
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