Bringing Preppy Back Inspiration
You’ve seen it everywhere lately, right? Navy and white stripes with a dash of red — nautical emblems and boating shoes, gingham dresses, seersucker shorts, and even bow ties are making their way onto the fashion scene for the summer. It’s a clean and classic look and one reminiscent of attire worn on Nantucket, in the Hamptons, at every Ivy League school, and just about every yacht club you’ve ever been to – and now our very own 30A fashionistas are sporting the look — thanks to Seaside Classic and Perspicasity (special thanks to Erica Gibson-Pierce) who have been selling the classics forever we didn’t have to look too far to dress our models for the next cover shoot for VIE. We have assembled a powerhouse creative team with Romona Robbins as our photographer extraordinaire, Tim Dutrow will be filming a behind the scenes documentary for VIEtv, Paige Schnell of Tracery Interiors in Rosemary Beach will be on hand to add their creative magic to staging our shots, and Tracey Thomas and Ainsley Rogers at VIE will be creative directors.
Of course, being or dressing preppy never really went out of style, but a whole new group of people are donning the look with an updated twist — colorful fedoras and updated accessorizing give the classic look a little splash of the “un-done”! If you see some gorgeous local models wearing preppy clothing in front of the Seaside Post Office, the doughnut truck at Alys Beach and at Summer Kitchen in Rosemary Beach on Friday (with a camera crew following close behind), say hello to VIE!
Photos via Pinterest! To see more of our May/June cover photo shoot inspiration, click here!
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