

Waiting Well

April 2025

Grace Through Life’s Uncertainty

By Meghan Ryan Asbury

Waiting is such a hard thing to do. Especially when the things you are waiting on feel so out of your control. Yet, we often hope and wish for something to happen or change.

Today, the people I love and I are waiting for:

test results and healing
miracles and clarity
jobs and houses
spouses and pregnancies
family members who are making destructive decisions to find peace
wisdom for how to move forward

I’m sure you could make a list, too.

Waiting can make us worn out and weary when we’re in the middle of where we are and where we want to be. I read a quote in a book I love recently that captured the feelings of waiting so perfectly:

“Leaning against grace,

I trust You in this sidelined state.”

Liturgies for Wholeness

Waiting always lingers longer than I want it to. It’s hard not to feel helpless and stuck on the sidelines between where you are and what could come next. In the midst of that, I often try to take control of what feels out of control: I want answers, and I want them now. I want action steps that make it progress at a faster pace. I want anything that helps me manage the outcome.

But none of that represents leaning against grace. Grace is a gift from God. Trusting God when we’re waiting means letting go of control. It’s saying, “It’s not up to me.” That’s hard, but usually, it’s the one thing we can do. The Bible is more than a book of stories; it’s a testimony of how God made promises and kept them.

I don’t always wait well, but if I pause long enough to reflect on God’s past faithfulness in my life, I can better hold onto hope for His future faithfulness—which was never dependent on my ability to wait. As someone constantly striving to “do it right” and “follow the rules,” I must surrender to the fact that sometimes, I can do nothing.

What does God ask for when you’re waiting? Trust. He does not expect us to wait patiently and perfectly but invites us to trust Him with our uncertain thoughts and emotions. He invites us to bring our fears and even mustard seed-sized faith (Matthew 17:20). Opening our hearts and hands to the grace He gives will carry us through. Even when it feels like nothing is happening and we’re at the end of our rope, we can know He is still with us.

Like the story of Jacob when He wrestled with God in the book of Genesis, I often walk away from seasons of waiting with a limp. But I also walk away with the blessing of seeing God’s faithfulness and mercy in my life on full display. I get to watch God “put His money where His Word is.” He already did this by sending His son, Jesus, who took on every bit of the suffering we face while waiting, and promises to take it all away for good one day.

“And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Also, he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’”

—Revelation 21:5

Scripture gives us hope to cling to while we wait, but putting our faith in God is still a daily, moment-by-moment choice. We must choose to trust His character based on His Word in the Bible and the ways we’ve previously seen Him moving in our lives. We must remind ourselves and each other that His grace is available to us right now—not tomorrow or when we have what we want, but today, in the middle of waiting.

While you are waiting, here are some words you can pray:


I come to you weary, worn, and waiting. Often, I am reminded of what I wish was different about my life. Show me how to grieve what has not happened yet. But at the same time, give me hope so the grief will not darken where I am today. Teach me to sit in this tension of knowing that if I had gotten what I wished for, I would have missed out on what You planned for my life right now. In the meantime, help me to love it here.


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Meghan Ryan Asbury is an author and speaker who is passionate about helping people discover and live out their God-given callings. She has worked in international ministries as well as with Proverbs 31 Ministries. When she’s not surrounded by friends, you can usually find her reading a book or enjoying the great outdoors. A 30-A beach girl, born and raised, she and her husband now reside in Nashville. Her first book, You Are Not Behind: Building a Life You Love Without Having Everything You Want, is available wherever books are sold. You can connect with her on Instagram @meghanryanasbury and at AlwaysMeghan.com.

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