We Made It!
Publisher’s Note: The Mother’s Day Issue 2009
by Lisa Burwell
VIE is celebrating its one-year anniversary! Support and well wishes from our readers have been overwhelming, and we will continue to be successful as long as you continue to enjoy the magazine. In addition, our advertisers, who are the lifeblood of the magazine, have generated legitimate and tangible results for their businesses by advertising with us. We sincerely thank both readers and advertisers for accepting VIE.
Anniversaries are special because they provide benchmarks of achievement. I also thank all of the contributing writers, photographers, design and support staff, and sales team who did their part in reaching this milestone. We strive to produce VIE with passion and continue to honor the people and places of COLA 2 COLA.
[double_column_left]Photo by Jessie Shepard
Our Tribute to Mothers
This issue celebrates and honors motherhood in a special section called “A Tribute to Mothers.” Even before we printed the first issue of VIE one year ago, I knew my beautiful mother, Marie Ryan, would grace the cover of this, our fourth issue. My siblings and I have always loved this photo of her, which was taken when she was fifteen. My mom is genuinely sweet and kind, shy and unassuming. In addition to being a mother of six, she worked as a nurse, which suited her caring and nurturing spirit. So when my mother told me, when I was in my mid-twenties, that she had dreamed of becoming a movie star or model in her youth, I could hardly believe her, as she didn’t seem to have the extroverted personality required for either of those professions. Learning of this surprising side of her personality made me smile, as it was an unexpected secret revealed. I never forgot it, so as a small token of my love, respect and tribute to my mother’s dream, I am honored to have her grace VIE as a cover girl.
[/double_column_right]Her photo was the inspiration for our tribute to mothers. I wanted to provide a forum for people to tell stories of how their mothers helped to shape their lives—honoring the incredible relationship between a mother and her child. Since I am not a mother, I know only one side of this relationship. In my tribute, I share how my mother shaped my life and I let her know that she is special and appreciated. My mother-in-law, Ruth Burwell, is also featured, and I want to do the same for her as well, since I consider her my mother too! Several others also share their stories, and we hope you enjoy our tribute.
VIE Goes Vlogging
Staying competitive and enhancing value are the cornerstones of VIE. Our blog has extended our ability to stay current with our community between issues by showcasing stories from COLA 2 COLA and beyond. Our online magazine, VIEzine, allows easy viewing for all. Our latest edition to the VIE family is VIEtv. Our inaugural launch of the Summer Issue includes webisodes with Steve Wagner in “Portrait of an Artist,” Sister Schubert at the 2009 SoBe Wine & Food Festival, Arix Zalace on Turtle Watch, and the Panama City Beach Pirates soccer team. Check it out on our blog at www.VIEzine.com, and enjoy VIEtv!
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