The Inaugural Issue
A Note from the Publisher
by Lisa Burwell
Our inaugural issue will debut to coincide with the 10th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival to be held at Gulf Place April 16-20, 2008. The differentiator with Vie Magazine is that it is a Northwest Florida regional magazine spanning the geographical range of Pensacola to Apalachicola focused on human interest stories celebrating the ‘people and places’ of our region as well as a few national stories on fashion, the economy and travel. We thank Mark Carter – owner of Seabreeze 106.3 and founder of the Seabreeze Jazz Festival for this wonderful partnership as we consider it an honor to be able to introduce Vie Magazine during this very significant and well done event with exceptional jazz performers and artists.
In a market flooded with a sea of magazines, both locally and nationally, coupled with a somewhat lackluster economy, why would a magazine called Vie – people + places be launched?
To imagine
To celebrate
To create
To inform
To inspire
To educate
To entertain
To enjoy
To laugh
To love
To breath
To live.
Vie is a French word when translated to English means, ‘life” and “live”.
We hope you enjoy and are inspired as you visit with the people and places of Northwest Florida and beyond.
To life!
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