Stand By Your Man
Publisher’s Note: The Men’s Issue 2014
by Lisa Burwell
More than a few times in my life, I’ve pondered the adage “Behind a successful man, stands a woman.” As much as it has amused me to think that women can do it all or are owed most of the credit for the successes of their men, I must admit that it’s just not true. From my own personal experience, the same can be said about a man who stands by a woman. The balancing act of sustaining a close marital relationship while the husband and wife also work together is not an easy undertaking—it is an art unto itself. Most of all, it can bring great joy and satisfaction when success is achieved together or really hard times are overcome with each other’s support.
As our editor-in-chief, Gerald Burwell can be described as an unsung hero for the success of the magazine, now entering its seventh year. Attending to details, making subtle yet significant changes to photo selections and croppings (these actually make a big difference), and reworking articles until they are, well, just right, are all to his credit. We have an amazingly talented team here at VIE, but he does add the finishing touches and is the standard-bearer on our quest to perfection.
In our second annual Men’s Issue, it is appropriate to give accolades to men—all men. The saying “A happy wife is a happy life” is true, but a happy man is something else to behold. Respect and honor are due all the good men out there. The interesting, handsome, and introspective philosopher François Bénard ushers VIE into the New Year as our feature story and cover guy. We have endearingly mentioned throughout the office that he resembles “the Most Interesting Man in the World” from the Dos Equis commercials, but in reality, François really is the most interesting man. The genuine spirit and grace of this Renaissance man shine brightly in the story told by Scott Sajowitz.
The photographic talent of Gilles Mingasson has been sought by name brands such as National Geographic, Discovery Channel, L’Équipe magazine, and numerous Fortune 500 corporations. Both captivating and moving, Gilles’s photography is the result of years spent scouring the corners of the world and capturing insights into the human condition. Take a pictorial adventure with Gilles in Anne Schultz’s story “Frozen in Time.”
Mike Ragsdale of 30A fame keeps adding great branding on top of great branding, and that isn’t easy—no matter how seamless he makes it all look. Please read about his latest addition to the overwhelmingly successful 30A brand as you meet “Truman,” his new mascot. Dawn Chapman Whitty beautifully captures Mike’s story through her lens, and Mike pens yet another flawless, humorous, and interesting story.
There are many more articles full of ideas, life experiences, and wonderment, so please sit back and enjoy!
In this New Year of 2014, I have heard many people echoing a similar mantra: “This is going to be a great year—the best is yet to come!” I love hearing this after so many years of people losing hope and walking through their lives in what can only be described as some weird sort of malaise. Waiting for the “old life” to come back, as a collective, we seem to be chanting the same message. Hope. Much has been lost in the past several years by so many, but there is nothing more sorrowful than the loss of hope. Because I believe in the power of words—and hope—I know it’s going to be a good year! As a team of people all invested in one another, we will make it over to the other side!
To my husband: Thank you for being my everything!
To life!
— V —
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