Seasons of Life
All Things Can Be Made New Again
“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
—Philippians 4:8
A seismic shift was felt around the world these past few years, seeming to coincide with the onset of the global pandemic. Most of us are tired of thinking or talking about it, but we cannot deny what was revealed in its wake. It’s been a long time since such racism, inflation, or discussions of war between superpowers were front and center in the news, and it almost seems we have made very little progress in the past forty years or so.
The “shaking,” as I refer to it, has stirred up a lot of unresolved issues that need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. Only unity can replace division—with love over hate, peace over war, and a sense of identity for those who feel lost. An emerging mental health crisis has brewed from all the turmoil, and it would be impossible for me not to address this when presenting our Health and Wellness Issue. Humankind is in a season of intense introspection and retrospection. If we all take time to meditate and pray about this while working toward individual reconciliation in our daily lives, it could make all the difference. Even one person can effect change. Just like taking one step at a time leads us to our destination, so will taking steps toward personal awakening. We can all do something for the big-picture issues, and reaching out to whomever you can help or love is an excellent first step.
This is very much part of what well-being and living a balanced life are all about. It’s not just about eating well, going to the gym, using the best beauty products, or taking time for yourself to read a good book or connect with friends. Yes, we have all of that and more in this beautiful issue, but it is crucial also to understand how we are all connected. Be mindful of that when relating to humanity at large; we all have a significant part to play in the well-being of humankind and our planet.
The older I get, the more introspective I have become, which I think is part of the normal cycle of life. I marvel at nature and its beauty, as well as its ordered sense of renewal. Flowers blooming in springtime can warm the heart as they give hope that seeds do blossom in time. They inspire renewal in us, as well. I take so much inspiration from nature for my creative ideas: the spectrum of colors, the magnificent patterns of zebras, the mane of a lion, the vibrant red of the cardinal, the gorgeous peacock, or the sweetness of a dog’s face that melts my heart. With each passing year, I find myself more drawn to nature and creatures great and small as I marvel at the beauty found in God’s creations.

VIE CEO/editor-in-chief Lisa Marie Burwell is the host of VIE Speaks: Stories with Heart & Soul podcast, where she interviews guests about their passions. To listen or watch, head to VIEmagazine.com/vie-speaks-conversations-with-heart-soul-podcast. If you would like to be a guest, email info@viemagazine.com! | Photo by Anthony Smoots
An obsession with butterflies from childhood is still with me today, and I’m drawn to their likeness in pieces of jewelry or art every time I see it. I’m not the only one who feels this way. A butterfly can signify a lighthearted spirit, beauty, and freedom. In flight, they appear to be dancing. The monarch butterfly is one of the most beautiful, and we have been blessed to see their migration from Canada and the northeastern states to Mexico each fall when they flutter through our hometown headquarters of Grayton Beach, Florida. Read our cover story, “The Magic of Transformation,” as Addie Strickland interviews Allyson Longshore to learn about her love affair with the monarch butterfly and her business, Metamorph Blooms. This unique floral experience offers gorgeous orchid arrangements, each with a monarch chrysalis attached, so those who buy, give, or receive one can experience the joy of metamorphosis!
We hope that this issue feeds your mind, soul, and body with wellness and that we can connect with readers through mutual love and appreciation.
To Life and Good Health!
—Lisa Marie Burwell
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