Author/speaker Misty Parenzan with friends and supporters at a book release event for her debut memoir, He Was Always There
He Was Always There
A Journey of Faith and Obedience
Interview by Jordan Staggs | Photos by Images of Grace Photography
“I want to encourage people to step out. Stop hiding. Just go for it. Whatever it is, just do it.”
These are the words of Christian author and speaker Misty Parenzan, whose debut book, He Was Always There, chronicles her life as a child in the foster-care system, an addict, a wife, a mother of nine, and a believer. The heartfelt memoir, which she was first called to write in 2008 at a women’s conference at church, details “Misty’s journey through trauma, addiction, and abuse and how, against all odds, she was redeemed by God’s grace and restored by his love. We’ve been called to a life of freedom yet are often held back by the pain of our past. Misty has had a lot of past to overcome, from rape and prostitution to a decade of addiction, losing a child, and much more. The healing journey isn’t always easy, but it is worth it.”
Now, with dozens of five-star reviews on Amazon and praise from readers worldwide, Parenzan has set her sights on being a speaker and devotional leader, fulfilling her God-given call to help others who are struggling. We are thrilled to have Parenzan on an upcoming episode of VIE Speaks: Conversations with Heart & Soul podcast hosted by Lisa Marie Burwell, so stay tuned!
We also caught up with the author to talk a little more about her book and her inspirational journey:
VIE: What inspired you to write a book about your life, addiction, and journey of faith?
Misty Parenzan: It goes back to that women’s conference at church in 2008. The speaker, Germaine Copeland, called me out during one of the sessions and said my story would be in a book one day. I remember thinking she obviously didn’t hear God right because writing was never my thing. I am more of a math and logic girl. From then on, I was often asked if I ever thought of writing a book or was told I needed to. I finally told Him if he wanted me to write a book, he’d have to send me a ghostwriter to tell all my stories to. That didn’t happen until I was almost done with my project. I never planned on writing this book, but God showed up. I thought it would be more of a legacy for my children, but God has done so much more.
VIE: What was the most challenging part of telling this story? Did you ever consider giving up on the book?
MP: Once I finally accepted that God was telling me to write my story, the hardest part was finding time. It took me nine months to write three chapters. By September of that year, I was very discouraged. I was ready to give up. But I had a mentor I didn’t want to let down, so one Friday, I asked my husband to pray that I would hear God clearly about this book. I was fine to lay it down for another seven years. So he prayed, and that Sunday, a woman approached me and told me that morning God told her to tell me to “get on it,” and she said, “I think it’s about you writing a book.” So that day, I booked a condo in Panama City Beach for four days to write, and God showed up. It wasn’t until my drive home when I shared with a friend that I had just written forty thousand words, and she said, “I can’t wait to read it.” That was the moment my stomach dropped, and I realized people would read all that I wrote.
I am passionate about showing people God is real and it is worth it to follow Him and not just talk about Him.
VIE: How has your life changed since you shared your book with the world?
MP: For the most part, it is me that has changed. Confidence has always been an inward struggle for me. I have grown tremendously since April. My family is more united because of all the times we had to lock arms as the enemy banged on the doors of our hearts.
VIE: What words of wisdom would you give someone interested in writing a memoir, especially including difficult topics?
MP: First of all, just start. Imagine you are sitting with a friend, telling them your stories. Don’t think about what others will think. Then you need a plan. My original plan stank. It took me nine months to write three chapters and only four days to write the other ten. The plan matters! Lastly, put on your armor because the devil doesn’t want people sharing struggles he knows will change their lives. We had one thing after another happen during this whole process, from my health falling and my kids walking through major issues to lots of family drama. Once we saw it for what it was, we were able to overcome it. We are still recovering.
VIE: What feedback have you gotten from friends, family, and the Christian community?
MP: Nothing I ever expected! I was prepared to fail. I was ready for all the negative comments and reviews. I tiptoed out the gate, bracing myself for the backlash that was sure to come, but the exact opposite happened. I have thirty-two five-star reviews on Amazon, and I receive messages from people—friends and strangers—daily with the most encouraging words. I’ve only read one book that moved me so much I wanted to reach out to the author, so with every message I get, my heart is touched deeply. I know God is up to something, and I am excited He decided to use me.
VIE: How do you broach such difficult topics with your kids, if at all?
MP: We are very open with our kids. I feel like my generation was so different. Everything was hush-hush or inappropriate, but all that did was leave me to figure things out for myself, which wasn’t great. At first, I was hesitant about my kids reading my book, but it has given them a newfound respect and compassion for me. We want our kids to be prepared for life’s good, bad, and ugly.
VIE: Do you have plans to write another book?
MP: I never thought I would do it again, but God always has a way of changing my plans. We have a few things on the horizon. My husband and I are working on things the Lord has given us a vision for. We also each have a devotional on the table, his being a thirty-day one and mine ninety days. In our lives, time management is a challenge for sure.
VIE: What inspires you most?
MP: Transformation! I love to see God move. Whether someone loses fifty pounds, changes their hairstyle, betters their marriage, or decides to follow Jesus, I love to encourage them on their journey. I am passionate about showing people God is real and it is worth it to follow Him and not just talk about Him. Life can be better. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.
VIE: What are you currently watching, listening to, or reading?
MP: I always have parenting, marriage, and self-help books cycling through my Audible. Currently, those books are Parenting: Getting It Right by Andy and Sandra Stanley, Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans, and Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio. I listen to various podcasts throughout the week, ranging from sermons to homeschool moms and more. As for what I am watching, I watch The Chosen weekly with my family, and then we will have a family movie night. Other than that, I watch my kids grow as time flies.
VIE: Thank you, Misty! We can’t wait to have you on VIE Speaks!
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Visit HeWasAlwaysThere.com or follow Misty on Instagram @mistyparenzan to learn more.
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