Living a Beautiful Life
by Lisa Burwell
It seems I am forever learning the same lessons over and over again. Just when I believe I’ve mastered living a life of gratitude, the cares of the world show up at my door and I have to make the choice of which of the new worries will be my master. It’s easier to be grateful when things are going my way, but when boredom, stress, disappointment, rejection, or worry comes calling, it’s a fight to choose to believe that life is still beautiful. We’ve all been there—victory and defeat are constants in everyone’s life. But it’s how you decide to react that can win or lose the battle.
One day recently, I was having a very difficult day, and I was most definitely losing the battle. Then I stumbled upon something posted on Instagram from that recounted the following:
“Mark Bustos works full-time at a boutique salon, where prices start at $150. On Sunday, his only day off, he goes out onto the streets of New York City and gives free haircuts to the homeless.”
Reading this and seeing the photo of Bustos cutting a homeless woman’s hair on a sidewalk brought both tears to my eyes and shame to my heart for not understanding how absolutely blessed I am, living without worry over shelter or food—or even a haircut, for that matter. The image haunted me in its sadness, but it also revealed much about servitude and humility. This man uses his gifts to do what he can to help, and it’s so commendable. Seeing this gave me enough stamina to walk in my own gratitude and humility for a good four days, until stress crept back to my door. I won’t let it in as easily as before, but it’s a fight to keep that door closed. The best—and only—way I know how to do that is to delve so deeply into helping others that I just don’t have time to worry about myself.
So, with this Health and Beauty Issue, I hope you find that living a beautiful life can only be achieved when you’re truly helping those in need. Always stay humble and kind.
To life!
—Lisa Marie
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