For more information and to listen to Lex Fridman’s podcasts, visit LexFridman.com and follow @lexfridman. You can also find his podcasts on all major podcast platforms. | Photo by Jamie Vernon (Young Jamie), courtesy of Lex Fridman
Le Monde
Goes Round and Round
Lex Fridman brings a unique charisma to the podcasting realm—nuanced, unpretentious, and profoundly genuine. Born in Chkalovsk, Tajikistan, and the son of a plasma physicist, complexity is in his DNA. He initiated his podcast journey in 2018 under the title Artificial Intelligence Podcast as part of his coursework at MIT. However, his insatiable curiosity could not be confined to a single topic, leading to a rebrand as The Lex Fridman Podcast. Today, his name is synonymous not only with AI but also with a profound intellect, blended with a sincere understanding of human nature and a notably calming voice that enriches his dialogues with insightful depth. His guest list features tech icons like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg alongside intellectual powerhouses such as neuroscientist Sam Harris and renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson. Their conversations span topics from the frontiers of AI, its ethical quandaries, and human consciousness to explorations of history, power dynamics, and our place in the vast cosmos. Podcasts have democratized access to high-level knowledge, and Fridman’s genuine curiosity and captivating guests set him apart, ensuring listeners depart with fresh perspectives. Beyond the podcast, his contributions to AI research at MIT underscore his pivotal role in bridging academia, technology, and a deeper understanding of the human condition.

For more information and to listen to Lex Fridman’s podcasts, visit LexFridman.com and follow @lexfridman. You can also find his podcasts on all major podcast platforms. | Photo by Jamie Vernon (Young Jamie), courtesy of Lex Fridman
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