Manifestation Babe founder and life coach Kathrin Zenkina
Manifestation Babe Kathrin Zenkina Reveals How to Tap Into Your Limitless Potential
By Hailey Bethke | Photography by Owen Devalk
Would you risk it all to live a life you love?
What if every dream planted inside your heart, particularly the ones you think are “crazy” and “unrealistic,” was on the other side of a pivotal moment to choose to live differently? Those dreams are an invitation to live in alignment, make your own rules, and create your reality from the inside out. It all begins with your core beliefs about yourself and the world. This is manifestation at its finest: a representation of how our innate patterns, subconscious beliefs, and energetic frequencies impact how life unfolds around us.
Kathrin Zenkina, better known as the “Manifestation Babe” to her devoted online community of dreamers and spiritual seekers, has lived up to this challenge tenfold. Her journey with self-development, mindset, manifestation, leadership, and spirituality began at age twenty-three when she was at a crossroads between attending medical school as planned or going all in on a new business venture, which would later be called Manifestation Babe. During this time, one of her mentors encouraged her to attend a Tony Robbins event.
“At this four-day experience, I heard the infamous question whispered into my ear, ‘Kathrin, who are you living for?’” Zenkina shares. “My life forever changed when I answered that question, ‘I am living for everyone else but me.’ I realized that I was applying for medical school only because my parents wanted me to become a doctor. I was in a relationship that was two years overdue for a breakup. I was no longer happy living in the Pacific Northwest and wanted so badly to move back to Los Angeles, where I grew up. Even though I felt like I was crazy—and questioned how I could be so certain of breaking ties with every bit of my life that I was so familiar with, so quickly—I did it anyway.”
Trusting her intuition paid off, big time. “Something in me told me to buy a domain name, start a new Instagram account, and call it Manifestation Babe,” she recalls. “I didn’t know how it was all going to unfold. I had little money for an out-of-state move, so I took claim to my grandma’s couch. She so lovingly welcomed me into her home while I figured out where my life was headed next.”
What if every dream planted inside your heart, particularly the ones you think are “crazy” and “unrealistic,” was on the other side of a pivotal moment to choose to live differently?
As Zenkina dove deep into all things personal development and manifestation, she recognized her deep desire to teach others about Universal Laws and to help people cultivate new mindsets conducive to creating success. “Although letting go of my old life was extremely scary, I never felt more liberated. I wanted everyone to experience the freedom that came with living a life authentic to them. At the same time, I wondered, who would listen to a girl who is completely broke, living on her grandma’s couch? One evening, while scrolling through Instagram, I came across a Tony Robbins quote that said, ‘Begin to live as though your prayers are already answered.’ I felt a jolt of energy surge through my entire body as I thought, ‘Kathrin, what would it look like to go all in? To live as though your success is already inevitable? That everything you want is already guaranteed? What if I try this approach for just a year and see if it works? And if it doesn’t, I can always go back to the way things were. No harm, no foul. But if it does work, that would be the most amazing evidence that manifestation is real.’”
Zenkina’s infamous “one-year experiment” had officially begun. She asked herself how this aligned, leveled-up version of Kathrin would show up in everyday life: What are her beliefs? What is her morning routine like? What opportunities would she say yes or no to? Then, she embodied this version of herself daily. “I engaged in deep meditation to connect with my intuition, developed a fun visualization practice to call in the future I was creating, spoke my affirmations aloud, and completely changed how I talked to myself and others,” she shares. “Within a year, I took this brand new business, Manifestation Babe, from only making $9,000 to almost $600,000 the next year. I also got engaged to my new boyfriend in Bali, moved out of Grandma’s apartment into a hip luxury studio, and grew my Instagram following to over 50,000. All within a year.”

Kathrin Zenkina with her husband, Brennan King O’Keefe
Since then, Zenkina has built a multimillion-dollar empire and served more than 150,000 soul-seekers through her various digital programs. She also hosts the top manifestation podcast in the world. Such a massive transformation requires you to let go of any self-imposed constructs along the way; Zenkina firmly believes that “imposter syndrome” is a green flag to be welcomed on your path. It signals that you are growing and pursuing new ways of being that feel uncomfortable to your old self.
This space in between—the uncomfortable transition between your old identity and new self—can feel like a shock to the nervous system. As part of her one-year experiment, Zenkina worked to overcome her fear of public speaking and the shyness she had felt restricted by for most of her life. “I think a lot of us have been programmed by society to avoid discomfort at all costs, but it’s okay to experience discomfort and allow yourself to be in it,” she emphasizes. “What has helped me tremendously is learning nervous system regulation techniques like deep breathing, grounding, and tapping on meridian energy points. I also regularly clear out old fears from my childhood.”
The first step to regaining your inherent role as the author of your life story is straightforward: get crystal clear on what you want.
Zenkina has released a series of life-changing programs over the years, perhaps most famously the Manifestation Babe Academy and now her Sovereign Money course, which both emphasize our relationship with building and retaining wealth. She teaches her students about the energies of money and how to rewire archaic beliefs stemming from scarcity, lack, and constantly feeling like you need to work harder to earn more.
“Many people think money is what they see in physical, tangible form—numbers in a bank account or bills in their wallets. But money is so much more than that. It’s made of energy whose flow responds to our consciousness,” she explains. “Bear with me for the quickest and only science lesson you’ll get in this article, as this is how my science brain has finally understood how this works:
“If you look at anything under a microscope, you’ll see that even the most solid objects are actually a bunch of vibrating molecules constantly in action. Within these molecules are individual atoms of smaller subatomic particles called the nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons, with electrons orbiting around the nucleus. The distance between the nucleus of an atom and the electron in orbit is so vast that if you were to blow up a single atom to the size of a football field, the nucleus would be the size of a pea in the center of the stadium and the electrons would be orbiting around the outside of the field—all the way in the parking lots!
“Why is this significant? Because atoms are 99.99 percent space. There is more space than there is actual physical matter. However, nothing in this universe is empty space. What actually occupies this space is energy. Everything is made of energy.
“In physics, it is said that everything that generates electricity also creates a magnetic field. Human beings generate electricity that can be measured using various devices like an EKG, which measures the electrical signals from the heart, or an EEG, which measures the brain’s electrical activity. This means that we, as humans, have a magnetic field that surrounds us. We are literally magnets!
“Now, remember how I brought up vibration? Everything in this physical world vibrates at a specific frequency—including money. We vibrate at the frequency of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. The frequency we send out based on our belief systems around money will impact our experience with manifesting money.
“If we send out signals that say, ‘I’m broke,’ ‘I hate money,’ ‘money is the root of all evil,’ or ‘I don’t ever have enough money,’ the magnetic field, via the Law of Attraction, can only draw in like frequencies. Our experience of money will be reflected in these beliefs. On the other hand, if we send out signals that say, ‘I love money,’ ‘Money loves to support me,’ or ‘I always have enough money to do/create/have whatever I want,’ then you can imagine what kind of experiences you will draw into your reality based on these beliefs.
“Many people make the mistake of thinking money is tied to how hard you work, how much effort you put into something, and how much time you spend laboring on something. But this isn’t the case. The hardest-working people sometimes make the least amount of money. And the people who work the least will sometimes have the most money. Why is this so? Because money responds to frequency. Your frequency is set by your level of consciousness—the beliefs, emotions, and thoughts you spend the most time putting your attention on. Rather than working harder, I encourage my students to dive into their money beliefs first. That way, regardless of how much they work, they will always be a magnet to abundance.”
What are the best ways to rewire limiting beliefs? There are endless modalities to pick from, so we asked Zenkina about a few key favorites she regularly uses to tap into her highest expression. “Rapid Resolution Therapy is one of my go-to methods because of what a huge impact it makes on my life,” she begins. “Emotion Code has also been one of my favorite modalities recently for clearing out stuck energies that manifest as trapped emotions in the body. I also love the Emotional Freedom Technique, breathwork, and PSYCH-K (a muscle testing modality for clearing stresses and limiting beliefs).”
What has helped me tremendously is learning nervous system regulation techniques like deep breathing, grounding, and tapping on meridian energy points. I also regularly clear out old fears from my childhood.
Even though Zenkina is a seasoned podcaster and interviewee, we were curious to know one thing she wished more people knew about her. She responded thoughtfully, explaining, “Even though I run a multi-seven-figure business and I seem like I have all my sh*t together, I’m just like anyone else. I didn’t get any handouts. There’s nothing particularly special about me other than I chose to pursue my purpose. I had a desire, and I claimed it.”
She admits, “I still have plenty of ‘off’ days where I experience self-doubt and feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. But the bottom line is if I can create my dream life, anybody can! I truly want to see everyone succeed. I believe we rise by lifting others, and my life’s purpose is to help people reach their fullest potential. There’s room for everyone at the top, and if I’m winning, I want to see as many people winning with me as possible.”
The first step to regaining your inherent role as the author of your life story is straightforward: get crystal clear on what you want. “If you don’t know exactly what you desire, pay attention to the things you don’t want and then consider the opposite,” Zenkina emphasizes. “Once you know what you want, practice tuning into the feeling that brings you. For example, if you’re working a job you hate and all you can think about is how much you dread going to the office daily, ask yourself what kind of job you would rather have. How would it feel to do that kind of work each day? Then, tap into those feelings as often as possible. By doing this, you will start to rewire how you feel about your current situation and begin attracting experiences more aligned with the frequency of your desired state.”

Kathrin and her son, Orion
She continues, “I also highly recommend plugging yourself into inspirational content in the entrepreneurial, spiritual, and mindset spaces. Become imaginary best friends with authors, speakers, CEOs, and teachers you want to learn from. Buy their books, watch all their free YouTube content, and subscribe to their podcasts. Take an hour a day (which can easily be broken into smaller chunks) and take in their level of consciousness. Allow their teachings and energy to penetrate your day-to-day experience, and in no time, you’ll start thinking, believing, feeling, and acting differently.”
If there was one piece of wisdom she wishes she could go back and tell her younger self, it would be this: “Wondering what could have been if you’d just gone for it will always be more painful than anything you’ll ever go through in the process of actually going for it. If you ever have the choice to bet on yourself—always bet on yourself. And, finally, what’s meant for you will always be for you,” she continues. “You’re not too late. There are no missed opportunities. The desires in your heart were placed there because they are your destiny and will unfold in perfect timing.”
Your dream life awaits you if you are brave enough to answer its call. The universe always has your back.
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To connect with Kathrin Zenkina and team Manifestation Babe, follow along on Instagram or TikTok (@manifestationbabe), tune into the Manifestation Babe podcast on all listening platforms, and subscribe to her newsletter for insights on how to level up your life.
VIE: Share some ways you run your business differently than most CEOs. In your experience, what have been your biggest wins in creating a thriving work environment and supporting your team?
KZ: I prioritize my alignment and my intuition above everything else.
This past year, I’ve been launching new things and making decisions purely from a state of “Does this feel good to me?” and “Is this fun?” I just follow my inspiration to release pressure and plan as much as possible.
My team does an amazing job supporting me in this and streamlining things to help create this dynamic that allows space to operate this way.
As far as the biggest wins go for our work environment, Team MB is like one big, amazing family! We all love and support each other and show up with integrity and passion for the mission that Manifestation Babe stands for.
My COO, Londa, often jokes that our team is made of people who would take on group projects by themselves in high school and college and are now all on the same team. We make magic happen when we are together.
Of course, the Manifestation Babe executives provide the entire team with competitive pay, bonus structures, and some of the best benefits available to show them how much we appreciate everything they do. We are just as loyal to our team members as they are to us.
VIE: So many people create digital courses without truly adding value to their audiences’ lives, but everything you create, from your programs to podcast episodes, is potent and applicable. What advice would you give to those who want to develop a program that helps their audience create massive improvements in their lives?
KZ: Authenticity and a genuine desire to serve people go a long way.
I think about more than just how to package and sell a program. I go into the transformation I want to cause within my students and prioritize the transformation above all. I make it my goal to underpromise and overdeliver, and I believe this has built tremendous amounts of trust in me as a businesswoman and manifestation teacher. I don’t sell anything I wouldn’t purchase myself for even more money than I charge. That’s my litmus test!
I think my students genuinely feel that about me and know that, yes, even though I make millions of dollars doing this, I would still be doing what I do even if I didn’t have to work another day in my life. I still care about my people as much today as I did when I started my business.
People think money changes them, but it just amplifies who you already are at your core. I’ve always been a giving person who loves to overdeliver in everything she does. My success, wealth, and business growth have only amplified that about me.
VIE: What is one thing that scares you? The first thing that comes to mind is perfect.
KZ: You know, this is such an interesting question. Because many people think those who have reached a certain level of success no longer have fears. That simply isn’t true. It’s what we do in the face of our fears that makes a difference in our lives.
First thing that comes to my mind? Losing my family.
VIE: And lastly, what are you manifesting in 2024 and beyond? We can’t wait to see all the magical things ahead for you!
KZ: In 2024, I’m manifesting expansion through pleasure, ease, and being, not overdoing. I’m prioritizing my bliss to lead me down a delicious path of building a billion-dollar business through transforming millions of lives. And who knows, possibly baby number two as well! The way I see it, the possibilities are limitless!
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