Pastor Tom and Jane Hamon | Photo by Brenna Kneiss
A Woman of Destiny
By Lisa Marie Burwell
A legacy of preaching the word of God as an international minister, pastor, apostle, author, public speaker, wife, mother, and grandmother is to her credit. Jane Hamon became a believer in Jesus at age fourteen, and by age seventeen, she was attending Bible college. Two years later, she and her husband, Tom, started their first church. They later began copastoring one of the foremost prophetic churches in the nation, Vision Church founded by bishop and prophet Bill Hamon. Vision Church in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, is the headquarters for Christian International, a network of over five thousand churches around the globe that are laboring together to bring the Gospel to the world.
Jane has traveled extensively throughout the globe and helped build Vision Church, Vision Outreach Ministries, and numerous affiliate partners, including Mercy Multiplied, a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to helping young women break free from life-controlling behaviors and situations, such as eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addiction, unplanned pregnancy, depression, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking.
Having known Jane personally as pastor/apostle and my friend for the past thirty years, my goal is to showcase this accomplished and mighty woman of God in this interview. By way of full disclosure, she officiated at my marriage ceremony twenty-three years ago, has been my pastor, teacher, and counselor, and has blanketed me in love and prayer. That includes helping me get through breast cancer, the deaths of my parents and my husband’s parents, a miscarriage, and the general trials and tribulations that we bear as humans throughout the course of our lives. Some might think I am biased in my love and admiration for this woman, but I am not. She truly is the real deal—she is filled with enlightened knowledge and wisdom from above.
In this issue of VIE, Jane shares some of that wisdom and her story with us:

Pastor Jane Hamon | Photo by Brenna Kneiss
How many countries have you traveled to since your ministry started?
Jane Hamon: I have visited sixty-six nations and ministered in forty. Some of the places I have visited most frequently are South Korea (over thirty times), the UK (over twenty times), Australia and New Zealand (fifteen times), and Norway (eight times), and I have visited many others multiple times.
Of all the countries you’ve ministered to in the past decade, which country has the most hunger for God and walking in His reflection? Why do you think certain places and people are more apt to follow the Bible? Is it cultural, or do places with a lack of resources seem to need God more than affluent countries?
JH: From all the nations I have traveled to in the last decade, it is clear that there is a hunger for God throughout the earth. Latin America is experiencing incredible church growth. Asia is seeing nations impacted by the truth of the Gospel. Even Europe and Scandinavia have pockets of revival that are giving hope to many. The Philippines is a remarkable nation in transformation, which over the past twenty years has gone from a third-world to a first-world economy. It was previously a nation that was predominantly Catholic and Muslim but has been rapidly transforming into a culture that embraces evangelical, spirit-filled principles, not only in the church but on many levels of government as well. We have interacted with Christians who are senators, mayors, judges, company owners, and pastors of congregations hundreds of thousands strong. In this nation, the people have begun to see that biblical principles have the power to transform their culture—and it is working. Though there is still a great deal of poverty, the nation has begun to take on a healthier culture, valuing and improving life for its citizens and connecting the nation globally to both the United States and to friendly nations in the East.
It might be true that typically poorer countries have experienced spiritual growth as people are drawn to the church for worship, hope, and community; but today we are also seeing a hunger for God stirring among the professional business crowds, with people finding a deeper sense of purpose in Christ to influence their world. One businessman we know in South Korea has a place for prayer, worship, and biblical teaching for his thousands of employees at each of his many business sites, believing the Bible has the answers to help each person live their best life.

Jane Hamon has authored several books on Christian principles, understanding prophecy, and working to make a difference in the world. Her latest is Discernment: The Essential Guide to Hearing the Voice of God. | Photo courtesy of Jane Hamon
Have you ever traveled to war-torn countries while preaching the Gospel, and did you fear for your life?
JH: My husband and I traveled to Colombia, South America, while the rebels were besieging cities back in 1996. We flew into the city since you could not drive in. Our team were the only outsiders in a city of 250,000 people, because all other foreigners had previously been kidnapped, killed, or run out of town. It was quite dangerous the entire ten days we were there.
Many of our trips to South Korea were during times of great tension with North Korea, with missiles being fired into the Sea of Japan while we were there. We have also traveled to Ukraine during a time when Russia was crossing the border. There was a trip planned to Ukraine when their war began, but we felt we needed to reschedule due to the danger. In all these dangerous situations, we have seen God show up and bring life to many in times of crisis.
You are the author of The Deborah Company: Becoming a Woman Who Makes a Difference, Dreams and Visions, and Discernment: The Essential Guide to Hearing the Voice of God. Will you please share how we can understand and love the things of God—what is the essential piece of wisdom needed to walk in a daily relationship with Him?
JH: I think many people have the idea that becoming a Christian merely means following a list of “dos and don’ts” and forever falling short. The truth is, God knew that, on our own, no one person could be good enough or perfect enough to deserve God’s love and favor. That was why God sent His son, Jesus, to pay the price for our shortcomings so that we can each have a relationship with a loving, forgiving God. The Bible says if we seek Him, we will find Him. It’s that easy. He longs to reveal His heart and plan to us through His Word, the Bible. He loves us. He wants to be our Father, our friend, and our strength. Once we learn to trust that He truly wants to help us live the quality life we were created to live, the daily journey with Him becomes a joy we can treasure.

Jane Hamon and her husband, Tom (left), lead worship at Vision Church in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, which is also the headquarters of Christian International, a global network of over five thousand churches. | Photo courtesy of Jane Hamon
Why do you think God has found the need for the prophetic, and what does that mean today?
JH: When we use the word “prophetic,” we mean that we believe God is still speaking today. When Jesus walked the earth, He told His disciples that His people should hear His voice. As we read the stories of the early church, we see that God continued to speak to His followers through dreams, visions, angels, and even in an audible voice. With all the turmoil in the world today, we need to hear God’s voice more than ever before. We need to know His heart for us, His will for us, and His practical plan for our lives. When we hear God’s voice, we can change our world!
How does God’s voice manifest to you?
JH: I was sixteen years old the first time I heard the voice of God. He spoke to me in an audible voice during a time of prayer and redirected the course of my life. All I am doing today is the result of having heard the voice of God that day. Since that time, I have learned He speaks to me through the scriptures, through messages in dreams and visions, and through His voice in my head—which sounds different from my own voice. Once, I had a dream in which God showed me my brother getting sick and dying. He told me to get up and pray, which I did. The next day, I learned my brother’s appendix had ruptured the previous night while he was camping deep in the woods. By the time he got to the hospital, he was close to death. I believe God showed this to me so I could pray him out of death into life.
We need to know His heart for us, His will for us, and His practical plan for our lives. When we hear God’s voice, we can change our world!
What is your view on all of the turmoil and strife in our world today, and can prayer be the answer for all that ails us?
JH: When we pray, things change. We connect heaven and earth because our Heavenly Father hears our cry. And when He hears, He is moved by our prayer and responds by sending help. I am reminded of a quote by General George Patton, who said, “When this world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than there are prayers.” My prayer is that people everywhere will call upon the name of the Lord.
Do you think America will have a revival soon? With our country so terribly divided, what is the answer to helping heal our land?
JH: I believe revival is coming to America! It is awakening our families, our churches, and our culture to realize our greatest potential as a nation. The word “revival” means “to bring back to life.” It also indicates a spiritual awakening. America was settled by Christians seeking religious freedom and a better life. The establishment of the government of our nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles as found in scripture, which has caused us to become one of the greatest, most generous, most freedom-loving nations of all time. However, human failures have caused many to lose their faith in not only the greatness of our nation but also in God on whom this nation’s principles were based. We have forgotten who we are, and God wants to bring the dream of America back to life. I believe healing will come to our nation when we the people embrace those founding biblical principles once again, wake up to our destiny and responsibility as one nation under God, and impact other nations for good in our world.
It’s been said that God uses the most unlikely or seemingly unqualified to accomplish his goals. As the religious right wing has been so supportive of President Donald Trump, do you ever feel conflicted about whether he appears to be a godly man?

Pastors Jane and Tom Hamon have shared God’s Word on many television networks and programs including Christian Broadcasting Network, GOD TV, The 700 Club, Joni Table Talk (above), Today with Marilyn and Sarah, and more. | Photo courtesy of Jane Hamon
JH: I think many people in America voted for Donald Trump not because they believed he was an example of virtue or biblical godliness, but because he was willing to stand up for values that are important to them: religious liberty, the sanctity of life, small government, and conservative and family values. Over the years prior to the election, many Christians felt marginalized or discriminated against and have endured hostility toward our Christian faith and beliefs right here in America. We encourage people in our church to vote in each election, but to consider not only the person but also the platform on which they are running. We weren’t electing a pastor, but rather a president who would stand up for our values and beliefs and who would hopefully fight to see America remain an influence for good in the world.
What prayer would you like to see activated throughout the world to help heal the divisiveness we face today?
JH: Since the beginning of time, nation has risen against nation. It is the cry of every generation for there to be peace and safety in their lifetime. When Jesus was born on earth, the angels announced he came to bring peace on earth and good will toward all men. He came to bring us back to the heart of the Father and to establish His kingdom in our hearts. His kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy. Our prayer should echo the prayer Jesus taught us to pray: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” and the words of a popular hymn, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”
How many times have you been interviewed on CBN—Christian Broadcasting Network?
JH: Not only have I been privileged to be interviewed on CBN seven times, but for five of those times, I had the opportunity to cohost the program with my friend Gordon Robertson. I have also been featured on Cornerstone Television, GOD TV, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Today with Marilyn and Sarah, Enlace Spanish television network, Miracle Channel in Canada, Joni Lamb’s show Joni Table Talk, and Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural.

Pastors Jane and Tom Hamon have shared God’s Word on many television networks and programs including Christian Broadcasting Network, GOD TV, The 700 Club (above), Joni Table Talk, Today with Marilyn and Sarah, and more. | Photo courtesy of Jane Hamon
Since America and the world at large have become a “celebrity culture,” do you find it interesting that many in the entertainment industry seem to be turning to the word of the Lord? Kanye West and Justin Bieber, to name a couple, are boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are poised to influence a completely different audience than the traditional Sunday churchgoer. What do you think of what we see happening?
JH: I am very excited to see what is happening with these cultural influencers! I am praying for them to stand strong in their faith, to hear God’s voice, and to be surrounded by those who will support them as they grow in Christ. I applaud them for utilizing their popularity platform to spread the truth that God has personally changed their lives in a very real way, in hopes their stories will enrich others as well. Historically, some of the greatest awakenings and revivals have happened outside the walls of the traditional church. I see this as a sign of the beginning of the next great awakening!
Historically, some of the greatest awakenings and revivals have happened outside the walls of the traditional church. I see this as a sign of the beginning of the next great awakening!
Please describe the gifts of the Spirit and prophecy in a manner that nonchurchgoers can understand.
JH: God loved the world so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins and then conquer death so we can have a relationship with Him. Jesus loved His followers so much, He gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us, to empower us to change our world for good by walking in His footsteps. The Holy Spirit so wants to help us live strong, purposeful, healthy lives that He has provided everything possible to help us live in victory: gifts such as healing, miracles, revelation, prophetic insight, power, and faith. God is supernatural and all-powerful and lives in us. It shouldn’t surprise us that He wants to speak to us, direct us, give us insight, heal our bodies and minds, and give us the strength to build strong families and the courage to share our hope with others. With the power of God’s Spirit living in us, we can expect supernatural, out-of-the-ordinary miracles to be a part of our daily lives.
So many people think of prophets from days of old during the time Jesus walked our earth. What does it mean to be a prophet in today’s world?
JH: One can see prophets in the Bible from the first book, Genesis, to the last book, Revelation. The prophet’s job was to hear God’s voice and share with the people what He said and what His expectations were of the people of that day. One thing to remember is that God’s voice is always congruent with His revealed Word found in the Bible. Today, there are many twenty-first-century prophets on earth. As a prophet, I feel I have a responsibility to share what I hear God saying and make Him real to the lives of individuals, churches, and even nations. God’s voice through His prophets shines light into dark places and gives hope, direction, and guidance to all who receive it. When God speaks a word through a prophet and the person listening knows that the prophet has no natural knowledge of his life, his eyes are opened to realize God is real.

Photo courtesy of Jane Hamon
One of my favorite places to minister the prophetic voice of God is with the precious young women at Mercy Multiplied. Its founder, Nancy Alcorn, is a dear friend and such a hero for the thousands of young women she has helped break free from life-controlling issues through a healing relationship with God. When I come in with my team and pray for them, knowing nothing about their personal stories, and God shares His heart with them (speaking specifically at times about times and events in their lives), they realize God is real and that He loves them and is fighting for them.
Beyond prophesying, I believe I am called to help others hear the voice of God for themselves. God always has the desire to speak to His people—the question is, are we listening?
— V —
Visit ChristianInternational.com to learn more or VisionChurchCI.org to find the church’s worship schedule.
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