Volunteers unload donations at Food For Thought Outreach for the nonprofit’s annual Stock the Pantry food drive.
Food For Thought Outreach Stock the Pantry 2021
La Scène: Where It’s At
Northwest Florida nonprofit Food For Thought Outreach recently hosted its annual food drive and fund-raiser, Stock the Pantry, which culminated on August 27. Community teams worked throughout the summer to raise money and gather food items to help FFT prepare for the school year when it serves over 3,400 students in Okaloosa and Walton Counties who are dealing with food insecurity. Stock the Pantry raised over $208,000 and 36,800 food items this year! The team from Legendary Marine donated the most food, over 10,000 items. The Seaside Style team raised the most money with nearly $68,000.
Photography by 20/30north Studios

The Ohana Institute donated over 6,500 food items.

Food For Thought founder Tiffanie Nelson

Newman-Dailey Resort Properties raised nearly $60,000 and donated food items.

Emme Martin, Kelly Curry, Jordan Staggs, Lisa Burwell, and Gerald Burwell of VIE; VIE magazine donated around 1,500 food items.

Seaside Neighborhood School principal Kim Mixson; The school donated over 3,700 food items.

The team from Legendary Marine donated over 10,000 food items.
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