Find Your Fit
From running marathons to lifting very heavy objects or achieving perfect balance, fitness goals are different for everyone. We’ve rounded up a panel of experts in various fields of fitness to provide inspiration, give some pointers, and share a few of their favorite workouts!
Tom Losee
Stand-Up Paddleboarding Pioneer, Lululemon Brand Ambassador
I have lived along Scenic Highway 30-A in Northwest Florida for fifteen years and have enjoyed numerous entrepreneurial pursuits. Aside from my children, my proudest accomplishment is the creation of RUN/SUP—a fitness and lifestyle brand that combines my two fitness passions, running and stand-up paddling (SUP). I believe 30-A has some of the best places to run and to SUP in the world. RUN/SUP is an interval-style workout that is the perfect cross-training tool. We often use our boards as weights, perform yoga or workouts on the water, and include beach runs and stairs to challenge and strengthen our clients at the WaterColor Boathouse. Join us and find out how to, as we say with RUN/SUP, “let your workout take you somewhere.”
Jacob Summers
Certified Personal Trainer, Strongman Competitor
As a veteran, a Southerner, and a geek, I have two favorite workouts: 5/3/1 powerlifting for the weekdays and Strongman for the weekends. On weekdays, I focus on maximum strength with the big three lifts—bench, squat, and deadlift—for five-rep sets on Mondays, three-rep sets on Wednesdays, and one-rep sets on Fridays, doing anywhere from three to five sets. If I have the time, I might do more. On the weekends, I do Strongman workouts, organized like competitions with a group of friends to have fun and to allow for ample rest time. Typical Strongman events include the log press, yoke walk, farmer’s carries, Atlas stone load, sandbag carry, axle deadlift, heavy tire flip, and even pulling a truck by chain hand over hand or by strapping up to it and walking.
Angela Ragsdale
Owner/Instructor at 30A Namaste Yoga, Lululemon Brand Ambassador
I always start my practice by warming up my spine with a few cat and cow poses, then incorporating child’s pose. Next I go into downward-facing dog, and then step into a forward fold. Sun salutations always follow. I love a warrior sequence that includes high lunge, warrior 2, reverse warrior into extended side angle pose, back to high lunge, to warrior 3, and then to half-moon pose. You can either vinyasa through that into upward and then downward dog, or you can simply go to forward fold from there. I usually like to do sequences in threes. Wind down with pigeon pose, to half lord of the fishes pose, then to fire log or double pigeon pose. Supine, static stretches for the hamstrings and hips are essential for winding down. I also do a supported bridge pose with the block below my hip points to set my sacrum. End with at least five minutes of savasana—you’ve earned it!
Zoltan “Zoli” Nagy
Owner and Certified Personal Trainer, Destin Athletic Club
I believe nutrition and lifestyle plans are essential to help each person achieve his or her goals and assume an overall healthy life, in addition to exercise. The following exercise is good overall conditioning for anyone who wants to build a strong, athletic physique and burn calories much faster. Using dumbbells or barbells, perform six reps for each exercise in a continuous manner: upright rows, high pull snatch, squat press, bent-over rows, and high pull snatch again. Pick a weight that you can finish the whole sequence with—approximately 60 to 70 percent of your first repetition maximum. For a higher intensity, increase the weights or repetitions. Note: If the routine becomes very comfortable and easy to perform, add weight.
Coach Karen Meadows
USA Triathlon and USA Track and Field Certified Coach, Lululemon Brand Ambassador
As a triathlon and running coach, I love having my athletes do their long runs in the Panama City Beach Conservation Park. It offers a network of trails ranging from two to ten-plus miles, with tall pines providing some relief from our hot summers. A favorite workout for marathon training includes a warm-up of two miles’ easy jogging, plus dynamic warm-up exercises (high knees, butt kicks, heel walks, sky reaches). The main set starts with a one-hour run at planned marathon pace (PMP), then a one-mile easy jog. Go back into tempo (an effort that you could hold for a 15K race or about an hour) for two to four miles, with two- to three-minute rests as needed. Cool down with gentle stretching.
A post-workout recovery drink (with a good mix of protein, carbs, antioxidants, and potassium) within thirty minutes will help ensure a faster recovery!
Happy training!
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