Editor’s Note – Oh, The Places You’ll Go
Oh, The Places You’ll Go
I recall receiving a memorable gift from my sister when I relocated from my New England hometown to Seaside, Florida, nearly thirty years ago to take a job there—Dr. Seuss’s book Oh, The Places You’ll Go! It wasn’t until I read it for a second time that I understood why she chose to send me this book. Feeling uplifted and inspired are just two of the warm emotions one gets when being gifted this literary treasure. For people reaching milestones in their life, like graduating, taking a new job, or starting a new business—which all require courage and faith—these are simple and wonderful impartations to share with those searching for words of wisdom and hope when taking on new endeavors.
So, you might be wondering how this relates to our travel issue: I feel that this book talks about maintaining a positive attitude on our collective journey through life. One must learn to adapt, try new things, and see new places. More importantly, we need to continue to be curious and ever-learning to achieve our respective destinies. But to get there, we need endless encouragement from our friends, colleagues, and family. Sometimes all we have left to keep our drive to succeed is our own personal and individual dreams and aspirations.
Since that fateful decision to relocate to the beach from a career in corporate America, I have never looked back. I had the vision to open a creative branding house (TheIdeaBoutique.com), which led to VIE magazine and countless luxury coffee-table books, fascinating photo shoots around the globe, and opening a second location in Connemara, Ireland, this past decade, where we published our sister lifestyle magazine, Connemara Life—and much more in-between.
This was not a solo journey, but one made with team members who joined hands with me to pursue a collective dream. They are my proudest moment throughout it all, and I thank them for being with me during this ride of our life. Kudos to my team, and a special shout-out to our marketing director, Kelly Curry, for producing the VIE Lawn Party on the Gulf Green at Alys Beach for the Digital Graffiti awards presentation this May 13. And a huge “thank you” to our partner Alys Beach and their stellar team with whom it’s always a joy to collaborate.
So, I will close with a line from the book, as it just cannot be said any better than it was by the master himself, Dr. Seuss:
“Wherever you fly, you’ll be the best of the best. Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. Except when you don’t. Because, sometimes, you won’t.”
And that’s okay, too!
To Life!
– Lisa Marie Burwell
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