Editor-in-Chief Note – Slow Living
A Purposeful Life
When a type A personality like mine feels like we are moving too fast, we are. We need to slow down, as the world is moving at breakneck speed. A few years ago, I heard rumblings of the Slow Food movement that spawned the “slow living” concept and a series of offshoots like slow travel, slow fitness, slow gardening, slow fashion, and so on. I thought it was a fad, but I completely understood and embraced the ethos of Slow Food, which was founded in the late-1980s in Italy in response to a McDonald’s opening in the heart of Rome. Journalist Carlo Petrini and a group of activists formed the movement to support regional food traditions, and it has since hit home for me and many others. I applaud people who spearhead initiatives that defy the norm and defend what is important to them because, in reality, it usually ends up being important for all of us. The core of Petrini’s idea includes good food, gastronomic pleasure, and a slow pace of life. It has also evolved to recognize the connections between plate, planet, people, politics, and culture. Now, Slow Food represents a global campaign involving thousands of projects and millions of people in over 160 countries. It is fascinating to see how this slow movement has actually grown very fast, with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Visit the official website, SlowFood.com, to learn more.
Making time for balance, wellness, and mindfulness in our daily lives isn’t just for athletes or yogis. It’s become office water-cooler talk (or Zoom chat talk), a mainstream conversation topic, and a way of life for many people. Countless books and podcasts actively and openly discuss tips, techniques, and rituals for protecting ourselves against being so busy that we can’t take time for our well-being. In my opinion, the absence of time causes much of our health and wellness to be neglected. This also has a domino effect; if we aren’t operating at the best level we can for ourselves, we won’t have time to support those in our circle who may need us or organizations we care about. So the cycle continues, causing a breakdown in our community which, in turn, creates more stress on the individual. Sometimes just realizing what is amiss is all that is needed to evoke change, which is why conversations about these matters and a host of others are so meaningful. We hope the stories in this issue will start some conversations, and we welcome your thoughts!
It’s another pivotal turning point for us at VIE as we enter 2023 with a purposeful, methodical, and strategic plan to continue growing our brand ecosystem. Our podcast, VIE Speaks: Conversations with Heart & Soul, will have its Season 2 launch in early February and has expanded on Instagram with a new channel, @viespeaks, so please give it a follow. The VIE Book Club is launching, with editor Jordan Staggs spearheading and moderating this endeavor. We will also unveil a brand-new website that will make you feel like you’ve entered another dimension of the VIE experience, and our Stories with Heart & Soul Tour will pick up with VIE events across the US. In addition, through The Idea Boutique, our publishing department will release three new books: our second luxury coffee-table book, COOK by VIE; a beautiful new coffee-table book for The Seaside Style; and Janie Blue, the debut novel by Northwest Florida author Suzy Accola.
In recognition of a very aggressive year and an exciting one ahead, we decided to close the office for December so that we could reset, revisit, and be present with our friends and families during the holiday season before coming back refreshed on January 2. A belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a blessed New Year to all!
To Life, Love & Peace!
– Lisa Marie Burwell
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