Earth Angels
Soaring Above and Beyond
By Jordan Staggs | Photography by Gerald Burwell
“There is no better reward than to help someone receive needed medical care that would not otherwise have been available to them,” says Victoria Moore, co-owner of 723 Whiskey Bravo Bistro and Bar in Seagrove Beach, Florida. “I’m honored to be part of such a special organization.” The organization in reference is Angel Flight Soars, and they are in the business of saving lives. Victoria became one of many volunteer pilots whose mission is to provide transportation for people who need to travel to receive lifesaving medical treatments, but lack the means to do so.
On February 8, 2014, Victoria’s husband, Skip, and the 30-A beaches community came together at 723 Whiskey Bravo to celebrate Victoria’s receipt of the 2013 Angel Flight HALO Award. The HALO Award recognizes a member of the community who has performed outstanding philanthropic work and demonstrated selflessness motivated by service to others. Angel Flight aims to seek out those “flying with a purpose,” whether as an Angel Flight pilot or as an “earth angel” who volunteers on the ground.
Keeping in the spirit of helping others, the celebration, dubbed the “Party with a Purpose,” raised more than $85,000 for Angel Flight with the help of over 150 attendees. Silent auction items included a trip to the Masters with private airfare; a hunting excursion at Chipper Jones’s Double Dime Ranch in Texas; a weekend in New Orleans, including on-field tickets to a Saints NFL game and dinner at Emeril’s; and more. The theme of the night was elegant white, as guests, decor, and even the refreshments were adorned in chic colors that resembled the clouds and the sugary sands of Seagrove Beach. Over a thousand paper airplanes, folded carefully by local Girl Scout Troop 306, hung from the ceiling for a whimsical touch.
- New Orleans Saints linebacker Curtis Lofton with Kevin
- George Barnes and Gayle Schoettle
Besides Victoria and Skip Moore, who have been active Angel Flight copilots, earth angels, and board members since they adopted a Cirrus SR22 aircraft, many locals and other Angel Flight supporters rallied around the party’s cause. The couple’s friend New Orleans Saints linebacker Curtis Lofton presented the HALO Award, saying, “The Moores are the type of people you meet and know instantly that you’ll be friends for life. Victoria is caring, hardworking, and full of heart. This award is well-deserved and I’m honored to present it to her tonight.”
No doubt Victoria and Skip will continue to fly with a purpose and to help medical patients in need. One such patient, Kevin from Valdosta, Georgia, was diagnosed with cancer when he was just seven years old. With the help of the Moores and Angel Flight, Kevin was able to travel to get the treatment he needed and now, at age eleven, says he is excited about his upcoming mission for a checkup to confirm that he is still in remission.
- Jenny Nichols and Curtis Lofton with Kim and Tim Wilbanks
- Jeanine Chambers, Victoria Moore, and Bernadette Darnell
- Diane and Bert Light with Steve and Janet Mills
- Andy Dannenbaum, Blake Moore, Victoria and Skip Moore, Jenny Nichols, Curtis Lofton, Kendall and Ben Hales
- Preston Rogers, Kelly Spuck, Steve and Wendy Rogers, and Jaxon Hardy
- Jeanine Chambers with Victoria and Skip Moore
“Angel Flight and the families we serve are incredibly blessed to have such kindhearted volunteers and supporters like Victoria Moore,” states Jeanine Chambers, executive director of Angel Flight Soars. “Thanks to their tireless dedication and continued commitment, we are able to be a silver lining for thousands of families.”
Additional sponsors who helped make the evening successful included presenting sponsor JMS Burn Center, Kim and Tim Wilbanks, Anthony and Janet Mills, Regal Stephens Builder-Developer, E.F. San Juan Custom Moulding and Millwork, Sheltair, Fog City Blue, ClubDrive Systems, 30A Cottages and Concierge, VIE magazine, Lorraine Corcoran, McCullar and Company, Dr. and Mrs. Dave Snyder, Beach Properties of Florida, The Thirty-A Review, and GulfCoastRestaurants.com.
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To learn more about Angel Flight, whose home base is located at DeKalb–Peachtree Airport in Atlanta, visit angelflightsoars.org.
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