Dr. Weiner Brings an Impressive Medical Pedigree to 30A and Beyond
By Lisa Burwell
The people of 30A might believe they have an insider’s advantage when it comes to knowing Dr. Steve Weiner, but great secrets are impossible to keep. After my own personal experience with his clinic, I knew that VIE – People + Places would help spread the news.
A board-certified head, neck, and facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Weiner graduated from UCLA before completing medical school at the University of Michigan. From there, he interned and spent his residency in Baltimore at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he remained for two additional years as a staff member in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery. With the experience he acquired serving at the nation’s number-one-ranked hospital specializing in head and neck treatment, Dr. Weiner established a successful private surgical practice in Thomasville, Georgia. All the while, because of rapid advancements in medical technologies, he was growing focused on alternative cosmetic procedures that would not require a scalpel.
Ten years later, in 2005, he and his wife, Sandy, a registered nurse, launched the Aesthetic Clinique. Dr. Weiner best describes the Aesthetic Clinique as “a medical facility that merges noninvasive and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures with the most progressive treatments in the prevention of skin cancer, as well as for the optimal health of the skin.”
[double_column_left]To learn more about available treatments, I went to Dr. Weiner for a complimentary skin analysis. A state-of-the-art technology called VISIA confirmed that I had spent too much time in the sun as a teenager. An evaluation like mine, which determines the level of skin damage and other characteristics unique to the individual, enables Dr. Weiner to design a customized course of treatment for each patient’s needs. “This information, coupled with understanding of our patient’s lifestyle and availability for downtime,” says Dr. Weiner, “is a great asset to determine the best route to prescribe.”
Among the services the Aesthetic Clinique offers are BOTOX Cosmetic, Restylane, JUVÉDERM, Perlane, JUVÉDERM Ultra Plus, and RADIESSE. The doctor also provides the following treatments and techniques: laser resurfacing with the new Fraxel re:pair (repair) laser, water-assisted liposuction, Fraxel re:store Dual system, ZELTIQ for fat removal, Thermage CPT, IPL for photofacial treatment, laser hair removal, laser for spider veins, BLU-U, GentleWaves, and IPL for acne and precancers. “We have also recently incorporated Dysport, Ionithermie, Vi Peel, and GliSODin Skin Nutrients, and our newest procedure for skin tightening, Ulthera, which has no downtime,” Dr. Weiner says.
Dr. Weiner and Nurse Sandy Weiner not only work alongside one another at the clinic, but both are also highly involved in the community and sports. Dr. Weiner, in fact, is the girls’ soccer coach for Seaside Middle School. He also loves to YOLO (stand-up paddleboard) with his family and is a big fan of bocce ball. In early April, he brought the reigning Mrs. USA, Jennifer Cirone, to the area, where she was the master of ceremonies for Rosemary Beach’s popular Fourth Annual Spring Bocce Ball Tournament. With her Italian heritage, she was right at home, since the bocce tournament remains true to its roots by kicking off the competition with the Italian national anthem, flag raising, and a ceremonial first toss by a local celebrity.
The Weiners, playing host to Cirone for the weekend-long festivities, took her to local hot spots like Bud & Alley’s and the Red Bar. When I first had the pleasure of meeting Cirone, however, it was at the Aesthetic Clinique. I was a bit surprised that someone so breathtakingly beautiful was undergoing a little weekend procedure. Also genuinely warm and effervescent, she was happy to speak openly with me in a phone interview a few weeks later about the results. Cirone said, “It has been six months since Dr. Weiner performed Thermage on me, and my skin looks better than ever.”
Dedicated to achieving success for patients, Dr. Weiner and his approachable yet professional staff put their best efforts forward in a well-appointed office that emits a great modern vibe. With testimonials from a spokesmodel like Jennifer Cirone, however, looks are by no means deceiving.
“It was a joy to meet this lovely family,” she said, concluding our phone interview. “I can’t wait to come back to 30A to see my new friends and to visit with the Weiners again soon!” I would not be surprised if a follow-up treatment is also on her agenda.
In addition to Blue Mountain Beach and Rosemary Beach, the Aesthetic Clinique has patients that travel from all parts of the nation and the world. For more information, readers should visit www.theclinique.net or call (850) 622-1214.
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