C’est la VIE: November 2020
Rich in Love
Empowering others through socially conscious causes and transparent efforts, these worthy companies allow shoppers to feel good while doing good. Beyond the present, sustainability is also creating lasting change in the world. For many, finding the right nonprofit or service-minded product or project can be time consuming and difficult, so we did the work for you! Live life on purpose by supporting your communities and global brothers and sisters with these handcrafted, thoughtfully designed products. Never be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve!
Hearing Is Believing
The Satellite Wireless Speaker
Partnering with Starkey Hearing Foundation, LSTN helps provide hearing aids for people in need.
$100 – LSTNsound.com
Be a Light
Dunes Candle
Starting as a poverty-alleviation project to teach candle making to Iraqi war widows, Prosperity Candle now supports women’s entrepreneurship across the world.
$34–$40 – ProsperityCandle.com
Old Dog, New Tricks
Teal Ombre Cotton Rope Dog Leash
Found My Animal advocates for animal adoption and helps fund animal rescue organizations.
$62 – FoundMyAnimal.com
Mothers of Pearl
Vintage Pearl Whirlpool Earrings
Nectar Nectar supports female Indian artisans and their local communities by running comprehensive programs on education, mentorship, and employment.
$155 – NectarNectar.com
Hanging Hope
Cotton Macramé Wall Plant Hanger
EcoVibe donates 1 percent of all online sales to 1% for the Planet to promote environmental sustainability.
$45 – EcoVibeStyle.com
Fine Lines
Sagar Gray Cotton Scarf
Bloom & Give donates half of its profits directly to education for girls in India and Nigeria to fight gender inequality, reintegrate dropouts, and provide school infrastructure.
$45 – BloomandGive.com
Stand Tall
Gardenia Jumpsuit
For every tee you buy from Amour Vert, they plant a tree in collaboration with American Forests. Through their sustainable efforts, 1,606 acres have been reforested.
$158 – AmourVert.com
Crossing Borders
Stella Bag Color
Nannacay provides economic opportunity for artisans in Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil, helping to preserve traditional handwoven crafts.
$240 – Nannacay.com
Rise Up
Makola Earrings
Thistle Farms provides safe haven for women survivors of prostitution, trafficking, and addiction through meaningful jobs and lifelong sisterhood.
$52 – ThistleFarms.org
Brush It Off
MABLE Four Pack
In addition to creating sustainable bathroom essentials, MABLE partners with schools to educate children on eco-friendly practices.
$12–$13 – BrushMABLE.com
Drink Responsibly
Russian River Valley Rosé
Proceeds from Proud Pour’s wines help restore damaged coral reefs, oyster ecosystems, and bee habitats.
$156 per case – ProudPour.com
Listen In!
The Troubadour Wireless Headphones
LSTN has helped over thirty thousand people in countries such as Kenya and Rwanda hear for the first time.
$180 – LSTNsound.com
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