c'est la vie, c'est la vie april 2024


C’est la VIE: April 2024

Chef’s Choice

Step into a world of culinary luxury crafted just for you. Immerse yourself in exquisite recipes designed to tantalize your palate, complemented by premium utensils and appliances emphasizing sophistication. Treat yourself to a refreshing selection of beverages perfect for accompanying your culinary creations. Elevate every dining experience to new heights with our selection, tailored to fulfill all tastes. This C’est la VIE collection is about culinary refinement, where every detail embodies the essence of living and dining well.

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Playing Host

Tomato Napkin Ring

$25 – CasaBranca.com 

best blender, vie gift guide, blender, spin cycle

Spin Cycle

Beast Blender


big spoon, roasters cowgirl, cookie peanut butter

Bigger in Texas

Big Spoon Roasters Cowgirl Cookie Peanut Butter

$16 – BigSpoonRoasters.com 

Yuzuco Super juice, citrus juice, theyuzu

Standard for Citrus

Yuzuco Super Juice (12 oz)

$12 – TheYuzu.co 

danny loves pasta, cookbook, vie gift guide, cooking pasta

Endless Pastabilities

Danny Loves Pasta Cookbook


chapter candle, vie gift guide, cest la vie, candle

Page Turner

Audo Olfacte Scented Candle, Chapter (2.8 oz)


Mixin’ It Up

copina co Refresher and Collagen Support

 $24–$30 copinaco.com 

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Need 222 Recharge

Cold Brew Espresso, Regular or Decaf (6 Pack)

$30 222brew.com

fazeck blue wave, coupe glass set, blue glass set, cute glassware

Into the Blue

Fazeek Blue Wave Coupe Glass Set

$110 – Ssense.com

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Sophie Lou Jacobsen Multicolor Piano Cocktail Glass Set (3.5 oz)

$70 –  Ssense.com

gourmet gift box, chef gift, vie gift guide, culinary gift set

The Culinary Explorer

Gourmet Gift Box

$150 –  Shop.TinBuilding.com

matcha maker, matcha starter kit, matcha

Green Machine

Matcha Maker Starter Kit

$299 –  CuzenMatcha.com

Ooey Gooey Goodness

Coop’s Original Hot Fudge / Vegan Hot Fudge

$13 each –  EnjoyCoops.com

Unexpected Scents

Olfactory Cocktail Fragrances

$55 each –  OlfactoryNYC.com

graza, olive oil combo pack, extra virgin olive oil

The Duo

“Drizzle” & “Sizzle” Extra Virgin Olive Oil Combo Pack

$37 – Graza.com

farmhouse pottery, windrow berry bowl

Store Responsibly

Farmhouse Pottery Windrow Berry Bowl

$95 –  FarmhousePottery.com

bachans, japanese barbeque sauce

BBQ Better

Bachan’s Family of Sauces

$45 – Bachans.com

parch nonalcoholic cocktail, prickly paloma, drink parch

Wind Down

Parch Nonalcoholic Cocktail in Prickly Paloma (8 pack)

$40 – DrinkParch.com

tea forte mariposa gift set, tea

Spill the Tea

Tea Forte Mariposa Gift Set

$45 – TeaForte.com

our place wonder, oven 6-in-1 air fryer, toaster oven

You’re Welcome Here

Our Place Wonder Oven 6-in-1 Air Fryer and Toaster Oven

$195 FromOurPlace.com

salt and pepper grinder

Shake It Out

Alessi MP0210 Salt & Pepper Grinder

$195 – Us.Alessi.com

true's gourmet, hot mustard

 A True Kick

True’s Gourmet Hot Mustard

$12 – TruesGourmet.com

avaline sparkling rose

Brings Us Together

Avaline Sparkling Rosé

$35 – DrinkAvaline.com

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