The Bluebird of Happiness
Every Day Is a Celebration
Story and photography courtesy of Bluebird in a Box
There are some people who can pull it together and host the cutest parties and get-togethers, but there are also some of us who have no idea where to start. Event planning, dinner planning, and even a simple date night at home can be overwhelming if you don’t have the right resources.
The team behind Bluebird in a Box has the answers you’re looking for and can make all your event dreams come true! Virginia Frischkorn, the serial mompreneur behind Bluebird Productions, one of the nation’s top wedding- and event-planning companies, relieves the stress of decision making, offering a tiered selection of done-for-you, inventively themed kits with everything necessary to create a memorable occasion. The brand, which launched this year, provides a digital kit with checklists, tips on what to buy and where to buy it—even what to wear.
There’s no denying that COVID-19 has changed our daily lives in more ways than one. But it’s also done something really beautiful by distilling life down to its simplest parts: home and the people we share it with. Virginia is excited to share her secrets and tips for making any ole night something to remember. Whether you’re surviving a pandemic or just looking for a reason to put on a party hat, these superoriginal (and easy) ideas will help you find the magic in everyday moments. Here’s a countdown of some of our favorite ideas!
10. Have an Upside-Down Dinner
Did someone in your house have a downer of a day? Treat the family to an “upside-down” dinner and eat under the table. Bring in some battery-operated candles (so that you don’t set the tablecloth on fire!) and eat together picnic-style in your own secret, safe space hidden away from the outside world. We promise—everyone feels better after an upside-down dinner. And if you’ve got time, you can even make an on-theme upside-down cake!
9. Be an Explorer
Take a walk through a new neighborhood with your smartphone. Queue up some good tunes and snap pictures of anything that catches your eye—a funny bumper sticker, an elegant grandmother crossing the street, a flowering tree . . . When you get home, put the photos together in an email and share your discoveries (and your day!) with someone you’ve missed seeing in person.
8. Get Glammed Up
Sure, maybe you haven’t eaten out in five months, but who’s to say that you can’t still put on your favorite dress and uncork the champagne (or pour yourself a Shirley Temple—in fact, make it a double!). Break out the fancy crystal and toast to the fact that your Spanx still fit (or to the fact that they don’t!).
7. Celebrate a Silly Holiday
We love a holiday calendar full of silly excuses to put on a party hat (check out NationalDayCalendar.com)! Did you know that National Fajita Day and National Ice Cream Pie Day fall on the same day? It sounds like a good reason to purchase the Taste of Mexico Box (and maybe run a couple of extra miles)!
6. Swing Your Partner, Do-Si-Do
Order some glow sticks and have a socially distanced backyard rave with your neighbors! Or put on some romantic tunes—we are currently loving John Legend’s spicy new album, Bigger Love—pull down the shades, and slow dance with your partner. Or have a dance party for one, because sometimes that is the best kind!
5. Start a Culture Club
Pick out a book, a podcast, or a show to enjoy together with family or friends over the course of a few weeks or longer. Set aside a special time each week to huddle up together at home (or on FaceTime / Zoom with your distant buddies), microwave some popcorn, and enjoy!
4. Throw a Party for a Stranger
The elderly community has been particularly isolated during this pandemic. Call a local nursing home and find out if there’s something special you can do for anyone having a particularly rough time. Bring decorations, signs, greeting cards, and as many people as you can gather (respecting local social-distancing rules, of course), and cheer on your new friend from outside their window.
3. Be an Armchair Traveler
One thing that will always and forever feel amazing is opening the mailbox and seeing a piece of handwritten mail—not a bill, not a coupon flyer, but real, honest-to-goodness snail mail that someone wrote specifically to you. There’s a great organization called Postcrossing that matches you with strangers all over the world to exchange postcards! At a time like this, when our ability to travel is so limited, this is an excellent bridge to other cultures—and right from the comfort of your couch!
2. Use Your Sense(s)
One of the best tricks to savoring the present is to create a rich sensory experience. We recommend walking barefoot in the grass, taking a scented bubble bath, listening to soothing music, eating a favorite food, and reading a good book.
1. Give Thanks
Really, what each of these is suggesting is to connect—to yourself and to one another. There are ways to celebrate safely right now, and it’s more important than ever that you do take the time to recognize all the many reasons you have to be thankful! So grab one of these at-home entertainment kits. A Bluebird in a Box dinner party will inspire meaningful conversation and immense gratitude for all of life’s many gifts!
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Visit BluebirdinaBox.com to get started!
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