Artists Uplift and Inspire
As the World Goes Round and Round
By Lisa Marie Burwell
So much has happened this year! I have never seen so much change in such a short span of time. In an unsettled world, we all long to rely on an anchor or two that will steady us as we collectively move in uncharted waters. Even that has proven somewhat difficult, but continuing to publish VIE each month is one of the anchors in my life. How blessed are we that we can continue to be creative and showcase so many artists, ideas, thoughts, places, and people?
The soothing hum of talking to people as we interview them for each issue is a respite for my soul. It is comforting to know that people are still living their lives and forging ahead with courage and tenacity. Art can be a hard vocation or profession; for many, it’s a labor of love with only the hope of making a living. It can’t be an easy industry to be in right now, but art has never been more important to the world. I have immense respect and admiration for artists and am thankful to have met so many throughout my career. What a gift it has been to me!

VIE’s CEO/editor-in-chief Lisa Marie Burwell dons a handmade dried-flower halo created by Hilda McDonald and channels a “flower child” state of mind, celebrating the spirit of freedom and artistry. | Photo by Gerald Burwell
This issue features a myriad of artists, and our cover gent, Nathan Alan Yoakum, looks as though he can stare into your soul. We had the pleasure of meeting Nathan in our office a few weeks ago, and it was one of the highlights of my year thus far. As I spoke, he paid attention to me with a laser-beam focus, and I quickly realized he is a student of people and of life. That is why his art is so damn good. His interpretations comprise a prolific body of work that resonates with so many since he pours his soul into every piece he creates. He’s intense—and no one likes intensity more than I do. I say that to make the point that, on some level, I felt he was a kindred spirit the moment that I met him. Enjoy his story from the pen of our managing editor, Jordan Staggs, in “Seeing What Others Cannot: The Mind Is a Work of Art.” Your life will be enriched by Nathan’s art and story!
The art in this issue speaks volumes about mankind, innate talent, nurtured talent, and the creative spirit. We bring you this art and culture issue in hopes that you will be comforted and feel that the world is going to be all right and that love still shines brightly.
To Life!
—Lisa Marie
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